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Organise your Wardrobe
Added by Housebuild
3 years ago
Filed in Bedroom, Tips & Tricks
Organise your Wardrobe
Tired of searching around your messy closet and not being able to find anything to wear even though it’s full? You need to declutter your wardrobe and transform it into an easily accessible space!
Check out these steps that will help you to keep your closet efficient and clutter free:
1. Clear Out your Closet
Many of us are guilty of hanging onto clothes because we might wear them one day. However, the first thing we need to do when decluttering is to get rid of any items we don’t need or wear.
Look at each item of clothing, especially the ones you haven’t worn in the past year and ask yourself if you would buy it again. If you’re not sure or it’s a definite no, then it needs to go. Some items may hold sentimental value to you, and you won’t want to throw it out which is okay as long as you don’t have too many sentimental items.
Donate any wearable clothes to the charity shops in your area and throw out anything that cannot be worn again.
2. Pack Away Off-Season Clothes
There will be some clothes that you don’t plan on wearing for the next few months as they aren’t seasonally appropriate, but you know you’ll wear again. Keep these clothes but pack them away in storage so that they aren’t taking up unnecessary space.
You don’t need summer clothes in Winter or winter clothes in Summer, so the best thing to do is to store them in clear boxes which you can keep under your bed or in a spare room or attic until the time comes when you will make use of them again.
3. Sort by Type & Colour
While everything is out of the closet, you should place your garments in piles according to type of clothing and then sort with colour.
Separate your different types of trousers – jeans, formal, leggings, etc, and do the same with tops, jumpers, at whatever other type of clothing you have. You can sort them from formal to casual.
Next sort your clothes by colour. Start with blacks, and then greys and move onto all the colours of the rainbow, finally ending with any whites. You could have a multicoloured section or else group them with the dominant colour on the garment.
4. Find Extra Space
Next, it’s time to put everything back in your wardrobe and reorganise your space. Consider the layout you want.
If you only have one rail in your closet, try to install a second one, especially if your wardrobe is tall as you’ll have the space. This divides the vertical space into two and will give you double the hanging space.
If your wardrobe or cupboards are not floor-to-ceiling fitted, utilise the gap at the top or bottom with some more clear boxes or baskets and fold in any clothes that you may not use as often. If the top of your closet is hard to reach, you could always keep a two-step safety ladder on hand. Another option would be to put a shelving system into your wardrobe if you don’t need all that hanging space and place your folded clothes in there.
Alternatively, purchase a free standing clothes rail. They are practical and affordable meaning they can hold a good amount of your clothing on them. Hang your weekly essentials or even your main outfits of the season! If you don’t have enough floor space for a free standing rack, an over-door hanger or clothes hooks work well and takes up minimal space.
5. Fold & Hang
Many tops and most knitwear can be folded and places on shelves in your wardrobe, giving you -more hanging space for easy-to-crease items.
When folding your clothes in a pile, organising them uniformly, with sleeves tucked in. Don’t pile your clothes too high as the ones at the bottom will be hard to get to and you’ll end up with clothes falling out of your closet.
Regarding hangers, you should swap out your wooden or padded ones for thin, space-saving hangers and hangers with extra bars for skirts and trousers, in order to hang the optimum amount of clothing. Then hang your jackets, shirts, and dresses in the order that you sorted them earlier.
6. Accessories
Last but not least, you’ll need to organise your accessories. You don’t want to have your accessories thrown on the floor of your bedroom or closet. Instead, treat them as you would your clothes.
Store anything off-season away just like your clothes, such as scarves and gloves in the summer and sunglasses and sunhats in the winter.
Fold your remaining accessories and sort by type and colour once again. Organise them by placing them back onto and shelf space you have left or some clear boxes that will make everything easily accessible. Hanging shoe organisers are useful for all accessories, not just shoes. You can use them for your belts, sunglasses, jewellery as well as your shoes.
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